What does your client expect from you, in their words?
“That’s what I would expect, so that should be fine for my client.”
But is it?
Behind each client transaction is a person. A person who makes decisions differently to you. A person who might need more reassurance than you. A person who might be influenced by a past experience, different to you.
People are fickle. People are unique. People change.
Pre-occupation with a scripted service delivery runs the risk of neglecting the human behind the transaction. As do assumptions, and my coaching clients will know what I call those – ear plugs!
Take the time to understand what support looks like through the eyes of your client. Ask yourself the questions:
1. How does my client feel about this transaction?
2. What is this transaction worth to my client?
3. What does my client expect from me in their words?
4. How does my client make decisions?
5. How do my service behaviours instil confidence in my client?
In a year where industries, business and people are being reshaped, consider your clients changing needs and your service behaviour.
The moments we create between us and our clients should be memorable for the right reasons. Crafting these with due consideration, an integral part of our client experience. The client experience, a powerful growth strategy.
Will the moments you create for your clients delight, surprise and instil confidence?
Or will they sow seeds of scepticism, doubt and ambiguity?
Loyalty stems from trusted connections and trust means making the client the hero.
Choose your moments in 2021.
Recommended Reading:
The Power of Moments - Dan Heath & Chip Heath
Service Habits - Jaquie Scammell
The Practice – Seth Godin