Six Momentum Mindset™ tools to keep you out of survival mode

Ok. So it’s Friday afternoon & someone who has her own sales coaching gig decides to send you an email.

It’s not any old Friday, it’s BLACK FRIDAY. My phone’s never felt so stressed!

I swear it’s BEGGING ME to complete at least one online checkout, purely to release the mounting pressure behind its screen caused by the tidal bombardment of digital traffic!

Oh it’s so tempting. It’s the end of the year afterall. Every weekend between now & December 25th are booked & I have a visceral, almost anaphylactic reaction to setting foot in any enclosed shopping centre. Sorry Chadstone. We are not friends. Online Xmas shopping it is for this blonde duck.

Once upon a time, I would have gone berserk! Reacting to every deal with multiple clicks with no given thought.

Any financial priority forgotten by the distraction of bright, shiny, seductive deals.

Each click would feed my ego, making me feel great about myself for about half an hour until the shame kicked in.

Shame, a close cousin of resentment. Both indicators a new personal boundary is required.

Each time I knew I’d overstepped a boundary.

That’s what survival mode & chronic stress can do to you. If it persists long enough, it has the potential to trigger cognitive decline. Getting worse before it gets better.

Whilst initially, the gradient is slight, the more we persist, the steeper the slope & more rapid the descent.

What might we, or those around us notice?

We spontaneously react to demands, rather than respond to priority.

Distraction rules our world & we become more forgetful than usual.

We over react to situations we usually calmly manage.

Presence eludes us. Our minds either ruminating on the past or jumping ahead to a future we can’t control.

Our reality lens becomes warped.

As does our perception of ourselves. Inferiority complex metastasizing from all angles.

Stress hormones filter through our veins making us a statistic, increasing our risk for future chronic disease.

Inflammation & pain are triggered. Their impact, sometimes irreversible.

We are tired. Always.

And then there’s our soul. Coated by a cortisol armour, causing our emotions to ricochet on impact. We become numb. Robotic. No longer able to feel.

“Our brain shunts resources when we are in survival mode, in preparation to keep us safe.”

My experience with burnout happened after years of chronic stress & living in survival mode.

Compounding poor habits, neglect & a lack of self awareness, making me oblivious to what would come later.

Momentum Mindset’s first module is designed to give you the tools to keep you out of survival mode & continue to do what you love. In this instance selling, growing business & building customer relationships.

Some of the tools you’ll walk away with:

  1. identifying your personal values & learn their role in minimising burnout risk

  2. improve self-awareness by learning a three step process for checking in on yourself

  3. understand the importance of personal boundaries, how to create, communicate & commit

  4. learn nine signs a boundary is warranted

  5. a defined purposeful impact & an algorithm keeping you connected to the four core needs of your advanced brain - giving, connecting, purpose & learning

  6. a trusted customer experience map reflecting the legacy you’d like to one day leave

That’s only the beginning. And then there’s:

  • Module Two - Engagement Momentum (Customer relationship tools)

  • Module Three - Conversation Momentum (Communication tools)

The February 2024 public intake is now open for registration until Fri 8th December 2023.

  1. Download the full course content here

  2. Register your interest if you’d like to chat through your needs directly with Peta here

  3. Secure your Feb 2024 spot with a small deposit here (balance due 19th Jan)

  4. If you are being sponsored by your organisation & require more information for your business case, please email Peta here

Never have I been more happy to be out of survival mode, & working on my own Momentum Mindset practice on this Black Friday!

Financial boundaries in place.

Purposeful work scaling my impact to those I serve.

Working in alignment with my personal value of creativity.

And closing my laptop right now at 5.59pm.

A very, very happy place to be.

Peta x

Sales Coach | Consultant | Founder of Momentum Mindset online course for sales professionals

Author of My Beautiful Mess - Living through burnout & rediscovering me

Member of Beyond Blues Speaker team


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