Can you pick the books I’ve read so far in 2024? Here’s the list.

Well, doesn’t 2024 just keep dishing out the lessons? Some expected. Others less so.

Fortunately, these days my mindset has shifted & I’m better at recognising the lessons I need to learn. Let’s say, I better understand the benefit of the Right Kind of Wrong.

It’s like I’ve finally worked out which humility lever to pull, in order to be my Optimal self.

To be clear, my definition of optimal today is a stark contrast to the days of old when I only had two gears, full pelt & asleep.

No doubt I was a slave to The Perfection Trap back then.

Today it’s hard to hurry me. My ambling pace consciously aligned for Slow Productivity. One focused on quality over quantity. On “wanting to” over “having to” & always, searching for ways to offer Infectious Generosity to those wonderful sales coaching clients I serve.

What does serving look like these days? Growing businesses & Leading Wellbeing.

Making an impact based on my deep seated purpose; we grow business & sustain performance when we focus on growing human connection, with ourselves & our customers.


  1. By focusing on what’s in our control, proven to be kinder to our well being

  2. By intricately understanding ourselves & the power of our non-material value

  3. By becoming a Supercommunicator enabling us to deeply understand our customer

  4. By ensuring the way our repeated behaviours are perceived align our intention

Since I embarked on this crazy sales coaching journey seven years ago, now called Momentum Mindset, my belief & confidence in the formula for sales success never wanes. In fact it only grows stronger.

I love seeing it weave together sales & Customer Magic in it’s own whimsical way to grow business.

For me, it’s the penny drop moments & the flickering light bulbs behind the eyes of an audience of clients which makes me smile each time.

The tweaking moment they realise they’ve overlooked that the True Art of Communicating involves being totally selfless or, when they suddenly see the power of The Ritual Effect in a customer’s willingness to change. Why would you change what you are emotionally attached to for no good reason?

Introducing my online sales course to the world this past ten months has taught me how little we understand about ourselves, & how much we underestimate our intrinsic tool kits.

When I was redesigning life, I thought I was the only naive & ignorant one. I didn’t know what I didn’t know.

It’s something I’m now fiercely determined to impart on any client or team I lead. Self awareness, such a linchpin to personal & professional success.

I’m proud to admit throughout my process of relentless learning & creating, The Leadership Compass I’ve found beneath the burnt out rubble of 2017, has my values at its heart.

Values which thump so loudly in my chest I find myself at times in total Awe of their transformational power. After years of searching, who would’ve known I had the answers inside of me all along?

We all do for that matter. It’s what makes up The Art of Clear Thinking. Knowing ourselves so well, we move through our days with an elegant consideration while the world swirls around us. It’s a poise admired from afar by those too easily blinded by believing the opinions of others matters more than the one they have of themselves.

They are the people who need to Burn The Boats.

To loosen the grip they are holding onto with white knuckles, & find the courage to move away from what’s not working or what they know isn’t right, & slowly take one step in the direction their heart is screaming for them to go. To learn How to be the Love they Seek.

What’s there to lose from trying?

A gentle approach, is a gradual approach.

If it proves itself out a smidge, shuffle ahead. A few times over, take an adult size step forward with confidence, & if it starts delivering repeatedly, pretend you are in bloody Swan Lake & Jeté forward with pointed toes & your arms thrown up above your ears!

Finally, let go & release those white knuckles.

Are you looking for permission to burn the boats? Give me a shout & I’ll happily hand you the match.

Peta x

Sales coach | Consultant | Speaker

Founder of Momentum Mindset™ - 6 month online sales course with coaching support

Mental Health Speaker for Beyond Blue

Author of My Beautiful Mess - Living through Burnout & Rediscovering Me

My Full 2024 Reading List:

  1. Supercommunicators - How to Unlock the Secret Language of Connection - by Charles Duhigg

  2. How to Talk to Anyone by Leil Lowndes

  3. The Art of Communicating - by Thich Nhat Hanh

  4. Customer Magic - The MacQuarie Way - by Joseph A. Michell

  5. The Right Kind of Wrong - Why Learning to Fail Can Teach us to Thrive - by Amy Edmondson

  6. The Art of Clear Thinking - A Fighter Pilot’s Guide to Making Tough Decisions - by Hasard Lee

  7. Leading Wellbeing - A leader’s conversation guide to mental health mastery at work - by Fleur Hazelwood

  8. The Ritual Effect - The Transformative Power of Our Everyday Actions - by Professor Michael Norton

  9. Burn the Boats - Toss Plan B Overboard & Unleash Your Full Potential - by Matt Higgins

  10. Infectious Generosity - The Ultimate Idea Worth Spreading - by Chris Anderson

  11. The Leadership Compass - The ultimate guide for Women Leaders to reach their full potential - by Michelle Redfern

  12. How to be the Love you Seek - Break cycles, find peace & heal your relationships - by Nicole LePera

  13. Slow Productivity - The Lost Art of Accomplishment Without Burnout - by Cal Newport

  14. The Perfection Trap - The Power of Good Enough in a World that Always Wants More - by Thomas Curran

  15. Optimal - How to Sustain Excellence Every Day - by Daniel Goleman & Cary Cherniss

  16. Awe - The Transformative Power of Everyday Wonder - by Dacher Keltner


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