How can you support someone in reaching out for mental health support in 2025? Join me in paying your copy of My Beautiful Mess forward.

Yesterday was a big day in my mental health journey.

For four months I’ve known it was coming, but February 2025 felt like a mere speck on the horizon at the time. Life’s changing phases, Christmas festivities & Summer holidays all provided apt distractions, that speck discretely became larger with every turning page in my diary.

Then reality hit.

The red and white striped boom gate slowly rose, & I slowly drove my car down the ramp into the same hotel carpark where I hit my mental rock bottom seven years ago.

The irony was not lost on me.

Last time I was trapped, unable to get out. All because I couldn’t afford the $24 parking ticket.

This time I was there by choice sharing my mental health story on behalf of Beyond Blue, as the keynote speaker of a popular franchisee conference.

Last time I fled wanting to escape life.

This time I confidently walked through those glass hotel doors towards life. I felt empowered, purposeful & confident I was about to make a difference - to someone.

My volunteer speaking work for Beyond Blue has become one of my most unexpected & fulfilling life chapters.

It’s not only about the fulfilment I receive through sharing my story & helping others, it’s the clarity it consistently provides on the professional direction for my sales training business - we can make the sales/ work process more sustainable & fulfilling without compromising productivity - if we are prepared to try.

I know I am onto something here.

My speaking work has taught me that my mental health story isn’t much different from anyone else’s. That’s what makes it so important to share.


Because when you see yourself in someone else’s story you relate.

When you relate, you feel understood

& understanding fosters trust.

Trust is the hallmark of human connection

& human connection makes us feel less alone.

When we feel less alone, we are more likely to garner the courage to reach out & take the first step towards seeking help.

Here’s my question to you:

How can we foster a sense of community to help professionals find the courage to make mentally healthier choices & take the first step towards seeking support if they aren’t coping?

For every Beyond Blue keynote I do, I keep a copy of My Beautiful Mess in my back pocket.

Not to promote the book. That’s not what the Beyond Blue work is about.

I keep the book in my back pocket because after almost every keynote, I’m approached by people compelled to share their own story. It’s an important part of processing what they’ve just heard.

Amongst them, is always someone who I sense really needs My Beautiful Mess right there & then. So our of my back pocket she comes & I pay her forward.

For the month of February, I’d like to ask you to consider helping me spread my message - that we all have choices for the sake of our mental health, & that there is no shame in admitting we aren’t coping & need support.

That first step is always the hardest. It certainly was for me.

How can we pay My Beautiful Mess forward together?

  1. Dust off your copy of My Beautiful Mess (she was never meant to gather dust!) If you don’t have one, she can be purchased on the website or online

  2. Consider who in your life might benefit from her today

  3. Pay your copy forward & ask they do the same when they are ready

  4. When you do, take a snap shot & share on social media with words to the effect of, “paying it forward” (tagging me so I can see it, otherwise I can’t do point 5!!!)

  5. For the first five I see, I’ll send a complimentary copy to you to replace the one you’ve generously gifted. My token of gratitude for helping me spread the message.

Now I’m not sure of the impact this will have. What I have learnt is everything has a beginning, & it only needs to impact one person who desperately needs hope, to make a difference.

For whatever you consider appropriate, I thank you in advance for helping me spread my message to support mental health & mentally healthy choices.

Peta x

Coaching Sustainable Selling | Consultant

Founder Momentum Mindset - Delivering sales results while minimising team well-being toll

Online courses | Team Masterclasses | Tailored sales team training solutions

Author My Beautiful Mess - Living through burnout & redefining me

Keynote Speaker Beyond Blue

A little something extra: I have developed a Self Care Mindset Team Masterclass to follow on from My Beyond Blue Keynote. It’s full of practical tools, derived from my self-connection research & designed to be easy to apply. Check it out along with my other Masterclasses via the link below.

Paying My Beautiful Mess forward x


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